Some of the most interesting health benefits of DONG QUAI include its ability to balance hormone levels, detoxify the body, ease the menstrual process, boost energy levels and circulation, improve mood, reduce signs of aging, protect skin health, lower blood pressure, improve sex drive, and protect the heart.
One of the most common places for toxins and potentially harmful substances to appear in the body is in the blood. It can be difficult to detoxify the blood, but the high levels of nutrients and vitamins in dong quai, such as folic acid, biotin, and vitamin B12, actually work to clear out the blood and reduce toxicity throughout the body.
The significant levels of iron found in dong quai mean that it can significantly boost circulation throughout the body. Iron is a key component of red blood cells, and without it, people often suffer from anemia, characterized by headaches, muscle weakness, unexplained fatigue, and cognitive disorders. By increasing circulation throughout the body, you can boost energy levels and promote healing as extremities in the body become oxygenated and energized with nutrients.
One of the other valuable functions of dong quai that has emerged in recent years is its ability to improve mood and lessen anxiety and stress. For women undergoing the hormonal rollercoaster of menopause or menstruation, as well as men suffering from anxiety and stress, dong quai can help to regulate hormones to reduce mood swings and ease our minds.
One of the most common places for toxins and potentially harmful substances to appear in the body is in the blood. It can be difficult to detoxify the blood, but the high levels of nutrients and vitamins in dong quai, such as folic acid, biotin, and vitamin B12, actually work to clear out the blood and reduce toxicity throughout the body.
The significant levels of iron found in dong quai mean that it can significantly boost circulation throughout the body. Iron is a key component of red blood cells, and without it, people often suffer from anemia, characterized by headaches, muscle weakness, unexplained fatigue, and cognitive disorders. By increasing circulation throughout the body, you can boost energy levels and promote healing as extremities in the body become oxygenated and energized with nutrients.
One of the other valuable functions of dong quai that has emerged in recent years is its ability to improve mood and lessen anxiety and stress. For women undergoing the hormonal rollercoaster of menopause or menstruation, as well as men suffering from anxiety and stress, dong quai can help to regulate hormones to reduce mood swings and ease our minds.